Regarding the current situation about the pandemic that has erupted since the end of 2019 worldwide due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, we follow all the measures and protocols recommended by the Greek Ministry of Health and the Greek Ministry of Tourism, as well as the instructions of the Greek Government.

Our highest priority is the health and safety of visitors and we have taken all necessary precautionary measures to ensure their protection during their stay. As a result, we have increased cleaning and disinfection practices.

Heliofili has been certified with the National Certificate “First Health” by the Hotel Chamber of Greece, which confirms that the hotels comply with the health content protocols against SARS-CoV-2.

01. Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης – Helth First

02. Πιστοποιητικό Επιμόρφωσης

03. E-learning στα Υγειονομικά Πρωτόκολλα στις Τουριστικές Μονάδες

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information to make your trip and stay comfortable and safe.